Friday 28 April 2017

ReadItDaddy's Picture Book of the Week - Week Ending 28th April 2017 - "Books, Books, Books!" by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom (Otter-Barry Books)

Imagine a whole library tucked inside a single book. You don't need to be a Time-Lord with some Tardis trickery for this one, just a pair of hugely talented book folk!
Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom's non fiction books are fast becoming huge favourites of hours, tackling a diverse range of subjects and also producing some of the most amazing history books in our collection.

But this one merges history with our other obsession perfectly. A book about books, in fact "Books, Books, Books" is such a brilliant idea you're initially surprised no one's thought about doing something like this before.

Delving into the depths of The British Library, a massive world-renowned collection deep in the heart of London, Mick and Brita take us on a page-turning journey through history from the very earliest books right through to the very book you're holding in your hands.

Imagine how amazing it would be to read a handmade gospel that was once hidden inside a saint's coffin before being stolen away by Viking raiders. 

Imagine a HUGE atlas that takes six people to lift (this reminded me of huge copies of "The Illustrated London News" that I was allowed to read as a child, massive tomes perfect for sprawling out on the floor with).

At the other end of the scale, imagine a tiny prayer book carried by a queen to her execution, containing her own hand-scribbled notes in the margin (though we really can't condone scribbling in books - particularly library books, no no!)

Imagine the original handwritten manuscript of Alice in Wonderland and the thrill of reading that story for the first time. Imagine books so rare and valuable they are kept in a bomb-proof store-room. 

The British Library truly is an amazing place and Mick and Brita take us on a fantastic time-journey through some of the highlights in this brilliant collection, gathering stories from history on the way. You'll learn all about the first "Super-hero" Beowulf and his incredible chronicles, and if this book doesn't spur your imagination into life, then we'd have to wonder what on earth you're doing on a book blog reading about books in the first place!

A truly brilliant book celebrating books! It doesn't get any better than this!

Charlotte's favourite bit: Wanting to know a LOT more about Beowulf after reading the (slightly gory) story of how he defeated Grendel. 

Daddy's favourite bit: A fabulously written and illustrated journey through the bookshelves of one of the most amazing places to visit, the British Library. What a fabulous idea for a children's book!

(Kindly supplied for review)

"Books, Books, Books" by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom is out now, published by Otter-Barry Books.